Department of Radio and Communications


The Department of Radio and Communication Engineering aims to develop advanced experts in the fields of communication systems, networks, antenna design, and signal processing. The department offers a curriculum in the fields of communications/networks, RF theory/antenna design, and AI-based signal processing.

career after graduation

Information and communication technology (ICT) is integral to modern society, enabling graduates to play essential roles across various industries. Common career paths include:

1. Telecommunications and Networks: Wieless communication Engineers, Network Administrators, Network Security Specialists
2. RF Circuit and System Design: RF Engineers, Electromagnetic System Designers, Antenna Design Specialists
3. Signal Processing and Data Analysis: Voice and Image Signal Processing Specialists, Data Analysts, Data Scientists
4. Satellite and radar systems: Satellite communications engineers, radar systems engineers, aerospace engineers
5. Other career paths: IT consultant, system engineer, researcher (university, research institute, corporate research institute)